Your #1 Love Type: ENFP |
The Inspirer In love, you are passionate and eager to develop a strong bond. For you, sex should be playful, creative, and affectionate. Overall, you are perceptive and bring out the best in your partner. However, you tend to hold on to bad relationships after they've turned bad. Best matches: INTJ and INFJ |
Your #2 Love Type: ENTP |
The Visionary In love, you are always trying to improve and grow your relationship. For you, sex should be a spontaneous adventure. Overall, you are magnetic, inspiring, and a charmer. However, you tend to get bored and want to change partners frequently. Best matches: INFJ and INTJ |
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to good manners and elegance. |
In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. |
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
sitting here...
looking blankly at the screen.. this cold evening...
there's just this emptiness that's settled in...
where are all my friends?
they're not far from me...
but why do i still feel this loneliness and emptiness?
in need for sappy songs..i put in my stef sun 我的爱 cd...
somehow..even though these songs are so emotional...
they seem to be able to soothe me..
mb cos i think they understand me..
or at least they're expressing my feeling at the moment..
is this depression?
there's tons of work for me to do..yet i just watched 2 episodes of sex and the city..
feel like i'm just running away from my work..
i've a test tom...
got to study..
exam's next week..
what's my birthday going to be like this year?
will people remember me?
friends that i once talked to often..
seem so foreign to me..
after some time..we just don't keep the contact anymore..
everyone seems to live their own lives without the other..
like it's been years...
but some friends..even though we haven't talked or seen each other in a year..
yet when we start talkin...we just go on like there's no tom..
naajia...i miss u..
escada- rockin rio or estee lauder- pleasures intense? which suits me more?
looking blankly at the screen.. this cold evening...
there's just this emptiness that's settled in...
where are all my friends?
they're not far from me...
but why do i still feel this loneliness and emptiness?
in need for sappy songs..i put in my stef sun 我的爱 cd...
somehow..even though these songs are so emotional...
they seem to be able to soothe me..
mb cos i think they understand me..
or at least they're expressing my feeling at the moment..
is this depression?
there's tons of work for me to do..yet i just watched 2 episodes of sex and the city..
feel like i'm just running away from my work..
i've a test tom...
got to study..
exam's next week..
what's my birthday going to be like this year?
will people remember me?
friends that i once talked to often..
seem so foreign to me..
after some time..we just don't keep the contact anymore..
everyone seems to live their own lives without the other..
like it's been years...
but some friends..even though we haven't talked or seen each other in a year..
yet when we start talkin...we just go on like there's no tom..
naajia...i miss u..
escada- rockin rio or estee lauder- pleasures intense? which suits me more?
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Argh...cannot concentrate...dunno if it's cos not enough slp or slp too much...
i hate's a sunday..and i should be able to study the whole day..but i think half my time is doing everythin else but biggest enemy....myself...
why do people have the ability to distract themselves when they actually really want to concentrate? i absolutely hate it...
and i'm quite irritated with myself...cos i keep filling my mind with senseless stuff....
Why is it that..sometimes u feel attracted to someone...and it lasts for sometime...then after that...u just feel so silly...cos u find out that the person is totally out of ur type..just not suitable for u..and then u feel like u wasted so much brain cells thinkin bout the's a crazy world out there...or is it just me? haha....
oh and recently..i just got Sex in the City from the intranet in my campus...and realised..haha i really like the show...haha it's rather entertaining and funny..i guess sometimes...u've just got to unwind....haha...but not too much....
love the smell of....estee lauder- pleasures intense (what a provocative name!)
i hate's a sunday..and i should be able to study the whole day..but i think half my time is doing everythin else but biggest enemy....myself...
why do people have the ability to distract themselves when they actually really want to concentrate? i absolutely hate it...
and i'm quite irritated with myself...cos i keep filling my mind with senseless stuff....
Why is it that..sometimes u feel attracted to someone...and it lasts for sometime...then after that...u just feel so silly...cos u find out that the person is totally out of ur type..just not suitable for u..and then u feel like u wasted so much brain cells thinkin bout the's a crazy world out there...or is it just me? haha....
oh and recently..i just got Sex in the City from the intranet in my campus...and realised..haha i really like the show...haha it's rather entertaining and funny..i guess sometimes...u've just got to unwind....haha...but not too much....
love the smell of....estee lauder- pleasures intense (what a provocative name!)
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Hiya people!, well i was just
feeling a lil tired..and a lil bored...wondered if i have posted up
pictures of my estate yet...oh well...this is a pic of the drive way
right in front of my house...well this is wat i see from outside my
window too..the road..well..sorry if my blog's messy and stuff..i
promise to fix it up after my exams i'm a lil too lazy and a
lil too "busy" to do's everyone now...oh i miss u guys...but i
won't be back till dec...sadz...but at the same time..i'm rather
enjotying it this new environment..with new friends...whom
will be going back anytime from this semester to next semester...i
guess life here is all about getting to know new people and moving on
with life..i mean when everyone goes back to their own country and live
their own lives...who's going to remember u? I really treasure my
greatest pals back home...but my greatest worry would probably
be...when i go back..will ppl still remember my existence? *ponder*

feeling a lil tired..and a lil bored...wondered if i have posted up
pictures of my estate yet...oh well...this is a pic of the drive way
right in front of my house...well this is wat i see from outside my
window too..the road..well..sorry if my blog's messy and stuff..i
promise to fix it up after my exams i'm a lil too lazy and a
lil too "busy" to do's everyone now...oh i miss u guys...but i
won't be back till dec...sadz...but at the same time..i'm rather
enjotying it this new environment..with new friends...whom
will be going back anytime from this semester to next semester...i
guess life here is all about getting to know new people and moving on
with life..i mean when everyone goes back to their own country and live
their own lives...who's going to remember u? I really treasure my
greatest pals back home...but my greatest worry would probably
be...when i go back..will ppl still remember my existence? *ponder*

Sunday, May 22, 2005
Just clicking through my
photos in my comp..when i came across the folder Np Tennis 01', and
sweet memories just came into my mind...this was the first year i was
in Ngee Ann...and the first year in tennis again after sec
sch(something i didn't expect to be in again in poly)...haha thanks
jing..thanks gerald for bringing me back to tennis...i guess this was
the best time of my life..really appreciating the team...even though
trainings were hard and far..but at the end of everything..the
satisfaction when u see urself improving is just so
beautiful..haha..Out of all the 3 years, the people that have come and
gone..i loved this team the best...Np Tennis 01'!

Above's the girls team..bottom's the whole team...

THanks guys for all the
laughter, the sweat..the crap jokes..the team effort...even though we
didn't get first..but i think we really got closer during that
time...and the suppers after the matches when we were dead tired....oh
i miss all of it...
photos in my comp..when i came across the folder Np Tennis 01', and
sweet memories just came into my mind...this was the first year i was
in Ngee Ann...and the first year in tennis again after sec
sch(something i didn't expect to be in again in poly)...haha thanks
jing..thanks gerald for bringing me back to tennis...i guess this was
the best time of my life..really appreciating the team...even though
trainings were hard and far..but at the end of everything..the
satisfaction when u see urself improving is just so
beautiful..haha..Out of all the 3 years, the people that have come and
gone..i loved this team the best...Np Tennis 01'!

Above's the girls team..bottom's the whole team...

THanks guys for all the
laughter, the sweat..the crap jokes..the team effort...even though we
didn't get first..but i think we really got closer during that
time...and the suppers after the matches when we were dead tired....oh
i miss all of it...
Saturday, May 21, 2005
a song keeps playin in my's elva's song..can't remember the title, but this phrase keeps goin ...mb cos it's the most emotional part of the song..i think the title is 问自己..
往往曾经相爱 的一个人。。。
then after that..i forgot the lyrics already... everytime night comes..i tend to get more emotional..haha i guess it's normal..
after talkin to celine just now..i realised..maybe i do know a lot of things..a lot of observations..but i guess all these are just theories and knowledge gained from observation and the experiences of others...when will i have my turn of experience?
ha..i love this song by fish leong...接受..
mb i'm not ready for it yet...mb...
ha..but i just can't stop listening to all these sad songs..cos somehow they'll be able to touch me with their's like i can hear the singers really singin from their hearts..and i really can appreciate their feelings to the songs...i guess it must have meant something to them..the latest song that i love....forever love-lee hom..
往往曾经相爱 的一个人。。。
then after that..i forgot the lyrics already... everytime night comes..i tend to get more emotional..haha i guess it's normal..
after talkin to celine just now..i realised..maybe i do know a lot of things..a lot of observations..but i guess all these are just theories and knowledge gained from observation and the experiences of others...when will i have my turn of experience?
ha..i love this song by fish leong...接受..
mb i'm not ready for it yet...mb...
ha..but i just can't stop listening to all these sad songs..cos somehow they'll be able to touch me with their's like i can hear the singers really singin from their hearts..and i really can appreciate their feelings to the songs...i guess it must have meant something to them..the latest song that i love....forever love-lee hom..
Monday, May 16, 2005
Hi everyone! really wonder who still reads my blog now...sorry i lost everyone's links..cos when i changed the skin i didn't know that everything was going to be erased...anyone know the template to add links?
Anyway...i'm rather frustrated now..cos i have a presentation on thurs which i'm not really prepared for..and i have another one tom..but tom's one is more or less's only the one on thurs that i'm more worried about..
i think i'm a person that likes stability, i don't really like making new friends ever so often, changing housemates every sem only one housemate is moving out...i guess i'll miss her...this sem has been so good cos all my housemates are really nice...i'm really glad that i had them in my house...
oh well..i'm waitin for my turn to shower now..that's y i'm so free...anyway...
i'll write in again..i think have to start snatchin for the toilet...
okok seeya guyz..
Anyway...i'm rather frustrated now..cos i have a presentation on thurs which i'm not really prepared for..and i have another one tom..but tom's one is more or less's only the one on thurs that i'm more worried about..
i think i'm a person that likes stability, i don't really like making new friends ever so often, changing housemates every sem only one housemate is moving out...i guess i'll miss her...this sem has been so good cos all my housemates are really nice...i'm really glad that i had them in my house...
oh well..i'm waitin for my turn to shower now..that's y i'm so free...anyway...
i'll write in again..i think have to start snatchin for the toilet...
okok seeya guyz..
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Thanks to Sean...we've got such
good photos...this is my favourite of the lot...opera house at
night...and the group of us happily complimenting the picture...=)
The yummy food we ate in pancakes on the rocks...
Me and ada..after a long day...
Monday, May 02, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
hi ppl! well i just came back from Sydney today...
it's really been a great weekend this week...even though it was SOOO short...
i wished it could have been longer...
well let's start from sat,
i was suppose to meet with everyone else at 645am to go to the bus, and guess what time i woke up..i woke up at like was terrible, 2 of my alarms went off at 5 plus and i just offed them and went back to was mad...then good thing i woke up in time to wash up and do some last min packing..haha...then as i open my house's door to go out, the wind blew at was FREAKIN cold..u know cold until my hands and feet cldn't feel anything? it was bad...
we reached sydney at about 11plus am..and were early for dinner, so we ended up walkin aimlessly around for a while before going up the Sydney tower for lunch...when we went up, the view was really was a revolving restaurant and from the top, we can see the whole landscape of sydney, all the buildings look so little from our view, but the bridge looked so majestic..and the port and nice...the buffet was not too bad, ate a lot..cldn't really walk after that manz...
Finally at 3 plus we checked into the hotel and met up with Sze Dik....haha so long nv see him liaoz..think he got a lil thinner..haha...and fairer..haha...but still looks the same..haha happy happy..finally get to see another familiar face after so many months...too bad Jehan couldn't meet us..if not i think i'll be doubly happy..haha i haven't seen him in years ...and if i'm not wrong..the last time we said byebye was in the mrt after a tourny...i think so..haha...
ok to cut a long story's the highlight of the trip:
Best foods i've tasted in a long while:
1) Salmon Sashimi from fish market
2)Black sesame ice cream from passionflower
3)Choc pancake from pancakes on the rocks
haha i love these 3 stuff out of all the things i ate in the was just so..fulfilling..
Places i went in the trip:
Sydney tower,
Paddi's market,
darling harbour,
circular quay(cruise),
the rocks,
er actually the aquarium..but me and sean gave it a miss..haha..cos we were just so blur in the mornz...hahaa...
tot of the day:
Could a side plate become a main dish? =)
it's really been a great weekend this week...even though it was SOOO short...
i wished it could have been longer...
well let's start from sat,
i was suppose to meet with everyone else at 645am to go to the bus, and guess what time i woke up..i woke up at like was terrible, 2 of my alarms went off at 5 plus and i just offed them and went back to was mad...then good thing i woke up in time to wash up and do some last min packing..haha...then as i open my house's door to go out, the wind blew at was FREAKIN cold..u know cold until my hands and feet cldn't feel anything? it was bad...
we reached sydney at about 11plus am..and were early for dinner, so we ended up walkin aimlessly around for a while before going up the Sydney tower for lunch...when we went up, the view was really was a revolving restaurant and from the top, we can see the whole landscape of sydney, all the buildings look so little from our view, but the bridge looked so majestic..and the port and nice...the buffet was not too bad, ate a lot..cldn't really walk after that manz...
Finally at 3 plus we checked into the hotel and met up with Sze Dik....haha so long nv see him liaoz..think he got a lil thinner..haha...and fairer..haha...but still looks the same..haha happy happy..finally get to see another familiar face after so many months...too bad Jehan couldn't meet us..if not i think i'll be doubly happy..haha i haven't seen him in years ...and if i'm not wrong..the last time we said byebye was in the mrt after a tourny...i think so..haha...
ok to cut a long story's the highlight of the trip:
Best foods i've tasted in a long while:
1) Salmon Sashimi from fish market
2)Black sesame ice cream from passionflower
3)Choc pancake from pancakes on the rocks
haha i love these 3 stuff out of all the things i ate in the was just so..fulfilling..
Places i went in the trip:
Sydney tower,
Paddi's market,
darling harbour,
circular quay(cruise),
the rocks,
er actually the aquarium..but me and sean gave it a miss..haha..cos we were just so blur in the mornz...hahaa...
tot of the day:
Could a side plate become a main dish? =)