hey guys...i'm typing this as i eat my cornflakes for my nite snack..
dunno why...i've been snackin on cornflakes since last night and the night before...
i know..u guys must be thinkin..wah so healthy...actually...
haha i've been eating tons of other stuff..just that u guys dunno..i've been eating lots of thick sausages...lots of fries...lots of chips...lots of and lots of...sometimes i really can't stand myself..cos i feel like a glutton...i really hope to lose weight though...
well school's startin next monday...feelin excited..but at the same time feelin quite stressed...
cos i really hope i can cope with my work..the modules look difficult..but i guess as long as i put the effort..it should pay off..yup...
hey i know everyone's been sayin canberra's borin...well it may be..if u're comparing it to city life...where there's never ending work to do...endless cars on the roads at all times...well over here..u dun really have to care bout traffic jam...cos..there rarely are jams...hmmm..the ppl here are nice...they'll go all out to help u...the life here is relaxing and laid back..i guess it's good for me...the word i'd use to describe this life is...SERENE...yup yup...
quite sad today...while coming out of the laundry..i hit my foot onto a log..and i guess my nail was broken..then blood was coming out...hmmm..it wasn't too bad...cos i'm not really scared of bld..but...bathing was really bad...cos i had to stand in an awkward position placing my foot out of the shower..it was too pain to put it in man..haha...suppose to go joggin with my frens tom...looks like it's a pass...oh well..
how did i spend cny...well for 2 nights..i had a good dinner with my pals...we cooked our dinner..and it was lovely...and how did i spend vday..haha..the grp of us went to this italian restaurant to have pizza and pasta...my gosh..the portions were mad...it was so huge...i really struggled to finish my pasta...we spent like 2 hrs over there...haha...it was cool..after that we took lots of photos...Fun!
oh...and i just played badminton just now...think i suck at it..haha either too long never play...or plain lousy...oh my..guess i've got to train up..haha....yup...oh and dun talk to me bout tennis man...it's almost down the drain if i dun pick up my racket and start playin..haha...