Life now....
hmmm what life..haha it's crunch time for everyone!
Heez...just saw sean today...he's lost so much weight! it's so scary...argh..but sometimes i really wish i could do that do..hahaa...but what can i do? when i'm stressed, i end up eating more...i just stuff watever and put it in my mouth..i'm slowly clearin up all my food supplies in my room now...
but it's quite bad..cos i don't have much left..and it's like i ran out of breakfast supplies already..i just ate my last muesli bar this morning...ah..i dunno...stressed..eat...haha...
these few weeks have been good..i went to floriade last fri...ate loads of nuts thanks to sandy...but it was REEALLY good...super yummy...then on Sunday went for yum cha...it was fabulous..the food was really good...love dim sum!...
guess what happened yesterday....i actually threw water in the dustbin...ask me how i did it...haha i just flicked the mug of water into the dustbin..i don't even know what i'm doing...then nevermind...after that...i went to lecture one hour late..but i didn't even realise it until hillya told me that she'd lend me her notes for the first half...it was so crazy...i remembered the wrong time for the lect and it's like we're finishin this sem already...
now left with 2 assignments to go...jia you!!

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