Ski trip today! was really really fun...had an awesome time...it was super cold at -1 degrees at Perisher Blue...beautiful white snow....first time skiing....kept falling down...but good thing it was just snow..was soft...standing up was a problem though...haha but at least i can say that at the end of this trip..i've learnt how to stand up from my skis...and also how to brake..even though it wasn't really that effective...but it was good....a trip well spent with friends whom i've not really spent that much time with recently....haha but i've not really been a good pal today..haha had attitude problem this morn-what can i say..i'm not a morning person mah....
Recently been really less tolerant...haha i dun think it's due to pms..it shouldn't be what..ahhaa....funny meryl does funny things..haha... anyway..back to the trip...
the experience was unbelievable...snow kept fallin down from the sky...haha the winds were freakin strong..and i mean REALLY REALLY STRONG....it really felt like having multiple slaps at one time...the snow flakes kept slapping unto our faces...a lot of our faces were flushed just after one hour plus in the snow...like sean says it "sky fire with pebbles" ....it's really it....so PAINFUL...we were wrapping ourselves like 'BA ZHANG'...haha..good thiing we had the necessary jackets and pants to go along...making it more comfortable..at least we were not overly cold..it was more of the 'slapping' that got to us..and the winds made it difficult to stop moving...i spent half an hour on the rope-lift just trying to get on it and stop moving backwards...madness! Oh..but i missed miki today...didn't really get to spend much of the day together even though we were hangin out in the same grp..ha..
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