Yay!! exams are over...so we need to party hard...hahahaa
nahhz...it's just chillin out and havin some fun before the results are out and we'll have to start all over again...making decisions and all...these days..i think i've been pretty blur about how i'm feelin about some stuff..like..actually i dun really feel anythin..but then mentally..i keep thinkin i still feel something for someone..how weird is that....and it's like cos of that..i end up doing stupid things..or sayin stupid stuff...sometimes ..it's not so good to be too honest..must be smart also ah...
yay..cel's coming tom..so excited...but so tired also..hahaa
oh yes yes..today...me and soffi cooked curry chicken and cheng tng...soooo goood...soooo funn....hahahaa...
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