Saturday, August 06, 2005

Just a people just wake up one morning and decide that they're gay? or is it really true that u can know that all along u were gay? or are people just homosexual cos of their physical and emotional needs that the other can satisfy, while someone of the opposite sex will never understand.. oh don't mistake me, i got nothing against gays...just a thought...

went clubbin again today...really tired...i have know idea why i still do it when i'm so tired...
do i really go out to pls people? or to pls myself? or i just cannot decide and go with the flow.....
i know i should stop...i also want to stop..but somehow i really just lack the discipline to do so...
i don't want to be a 'kou shi xin fei' person..but i alwiz end up doing what my mouth says in the opp direction...
why am i like that...
i keep procrastinating..but it doesn't get me anywhere....

and yes....can people get jealous over friends? but what right do friends have over each other that they possess each doesn't make when 1 views the other as platonic...while the other views the other as someone they're attracted to...what goes on? i don't's ridiculous sometimes...why does the world work in such weird ways...

oh...when can i find that special someone that i can share my life with? i's not something i have to find...but it's just something that comes when the time is here...everyone's got their special someone...when will it be me...oh i don't know...been single for too long i say...but some people will tell me...u better treasure ur time being single...


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