Hi world!
How's life over there?
Hmmm well, nothing much has been happening to me really...
haha that explains my long silence from blogging...
hee...sorry to everyone who has been tryin to keep updates on me..
Well...i've been doin a bit of thinkin and reflecting this few weeks...
like i've finally reached a point in my life where i have to think what do i wan to do with my future,
where do i wan to go, what do i wan to specialise in, do i wan to stay in aussie land..or do i wan to go back? well...
all these questions having been running over and over...and even though i hate to face it..
i guess i have to make life's decisions at some point or another...
i graduate this semester...quite confidently i should if everything goes well...
and like there's been many options for me at the moment...
at this point...i'm leaving it all up to God really...
i can't decide...i really don't know what choice to make, what step to take..
cos i know very well that what decision i make now...
will reflect in my future life,
and what step i take now,
will determine which direction i'm going to go in my life...
guess i'm not a kid anymore...
really miss being a kid and just doing whatever goes...
going from kindergarten to primary school to secondary school..this are all given...taken for granted.... then moving from sec school to poly...well that was a big step...and now from poly to uni..even though it's like the most natural thing...yet it was a mighty leap...
and i guess all these were all leaps of faith...
faith in God that he will provide, that he will carry me on his wings and i'd fly...
so just like it's alwiz been..i've got to pray and take flight wherever he puts me..
That's life for me...has always been..and is going to be...
Life's alwayz so unpredictable, who we meet, where we will be...what's going to happen next...
who know really?..
a friend once said to me, 'it's not about meeting the right person, but it's about being the right person for others'..i guess that's really encouraging..when we alwiz take for granted and we're alwiz finding faults in others...~ just a random tot...haha for those who were thinkin, 'what the...' hahaa...welcome to MERYL'S WORLD OF RANDOMNESS...hahahaa...
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